Let me start by saying that I do not consider my work “craft” (other than craftsmanship), but rather Art using wood as my medium. The great majority of my pieces are done from plans that I modify. I do continue to design new items where I cannot find a plan to modify.


     It is interesting to me, and my fellow woodworking artists, that an individual will see an oil painting by an unknown artist, and compensate the artist well for his effort. However, when the same individual sees a piece of “wood art”, he thinks “craft”, and wants to pay accordingly.


     Well, enough of my “Soap Box”.


     As I have mentioned on other pages, I use many exotic woods in my art, and a horse can take from 50 - 80 hours to complete.


     I’ve shown pricing below to give you an idea of the wholesale price for some of the pieces displayed on this site. These prices will vary dependent upon current wood pricing.

           Based on the price of wood when I made these horses, they range from $700 to $950


     I have pricing on the other items, if you want to discuss